Here's the link , did a small contribution to this film.
Power LossPower Loss is a powerful short film about dealing with grief and repressed memories of domestic violence.
Our short film is an artistic look at the feelings of grief and how repressed memories can make mourning ten times harder...
Test Shot for Lighting
We follow John during a power cut at his home in London. We flash back to memories of his childhood and the happy times with his father that helped get him through his fear of the dark... But was it the dark he was really afraid of?
This story is all about the power of the mind! Grief is an awful thing for anyone to experience, and i'm sure everyone reading has experienced the loss of a loved one at some point in their lives. Im sure those of you that have, are supported by the happy memories of those that have passed on, and this has helped you to accept them not being with you anymore.
But what about those who don't have happy memories? But are actually haunted by the memories of those they have lost. So much so that your mind even tries to fathom together a web of new memories to cover up the old ones. Im sure there are unfortunately a few of you who also have experience of this.... If you haven't, then try to imagine the feelings of guilt that you would experience when not missing the person you have lost. Imagine the guilt of actually feeling happy at the fact that this person is no longer with us!
....Or you can fund this film and we can show you how it would feel. Happy times eh?
Test Shot
About the Project and the Funds
This has so far been fully self funded and £1000 is being put in by myself and my producer.
PLEASE NOTE!!! £1200 is being raised so we will have £1000 after covering kickstarters fees and VAT!
We have worked out many ways of making this as cheap as possible to film with as high quality as anything you would get from thousands of pounds worth of equipment!
For instance, to reduce costs, we have managed to secure all locations for FREE! (good connections and some cheeky bargaining was involved) We are making our own track and dolly's using a tripod and tubing (such cost effective ideas can be found all over youtube!) Camera is also being supplied for FREE!
With your help we can make this film look as if it cost 10's of thousands on barely a fraction of the price!
Your funds will be spent on:
Better lenses
Better lighting equipment
Green screen
Rental of a generator for the outdoor night shoots
Props that we don't already own or cant beg, steal or borrow from others!
Small payment for the actors time (as an actor myself I feel it is imperative not to support unpaid work within the acting community)
A few frames from the in depth storyboard
Dominic Mafham as the Father
Dominic is a very experienced actor with 20 years in the industry!
His credit list is longer than my arm so please check out his IMDb page and his latest showreel! Im sure you will be as impressed as we are!
Michael is an experienced actor who started out at The York Dungeon.
Since those humble beginnings he has gained credits with such big films as: 47 Ronin, Snow White and the Huntsmen, Warhorse and Wrath of the Titans!
I am a big believer in actors having as much knowledge of what goes on behind the camera as well as in front of it, to truly understand their craft! Michael is no exception to this and is currently in post production of his own project, Tech Hunt, an apocalyptic western that I for one am dying to see!
Michael Collin
Felix Redmond as Young John
Felix is the 7 year old son of Sarah Redmond, an acting coach and director based in London with many incredibly successful projects under her belt.
Through the wisdom of his fantastic mother and tutor, Felix is on the cusp of grabbing a shot at the big time! Already represented by one of London's leading talent agents, Patrick Hambleton Management, he has got down to the final rounds of auditions for Ridley Scott's latest film, and the next George Clooney film to name a few.
We feel it is a fantastic opportunity to have Felix on this project before he makes the transition from average child to hollywoods next child star.
Felix Redmond
Daniel Everitt-Lock - Director, writer and co-producer
Daniel's directing career started with the making of The UFFFC youtube channel for the Jey International Management network.
As an experienced actor with credits in film and theatre with companies such as Universal, his approach to directing his actors makes for a truly great film, and with such a talented cast we are sure this will make an incredible combination!
Daniel Everitt-Lock Rehearsing for Leia vs Lara
Sophie Piedallu - Director of Photography, DOP
Sophie Piedallu has been working on professional short films, feature films, music videos, documentaries, live event coverages and TV shows since 2009 in the camera and lighting department. Two of the feature films Sophie Piedallu worked on were aired on France’s main TV Channels: France 3 and Arte.
In 2012, she created an award winning TV channel, Staffs TV, that was rated 7th best broadcaster in the UK after only 8 months of existence. Staffs TV won the Tim Marshall Award for Special recognition and 2nd place for best live, with it’s flagship show “What’sNext” at the National Student Television awards, beating 40 other stations. Overall, Sophie was responsible for over 50 programmes, including NaSTAvision, a 3 hour national music TV show. Sophie Piedallu received her first awards at the festival ‘illumines” with “The People’s Choice Award” and “The Grand Prize of The Jury in 2009 for a 3D short. In 2013, “The Hub”, a short film also shot in 3D, was awarded 2nd place by industry professionals at Staffordshire University’s GradEx.
Sophie Piedallu
Daniel Gillingwater - Composer
As this film requires an incredible score to go with it, we have roped in the fantastic talents of Daniel Gillingwater.
An example of his work: (this is not him in the picture.....)
Jemma Harrison- Set designer
Jemma has just recently qualified from the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama with a BA in Theatre Practice and has since worked on such projects as:
ITV This Morning - Art Department Assisstant
Punchdrunk - Design Volunteer
Spring Awakening, RCSSD Webber Douglas and Derby Live, Guildhall Theatre - Assisstant Director and Specialist Researcher
Here's a few influential people with their feelings on the script:
Daniel Everitt-Lock's script contains all the elements for an award winning short film. The vignette style in which it is written permits an audience to really get inside the mind of the tormented protagonist. Lock teaches us that each and every one of us has a demon lurking somewhere in our past and only by conquering it can we be truly free. I look forward to seeing the finished product and hope that you will join me in supporting this project.
Christopher Emms Director: Waiting for Lefty London Production 5* SITI Company New York City English Theatre Moscow
This scriptis evocative atmospheric and chilling, it conjures up really strong images , it achieves so much with very little dialogue, it will make a terrific film.
Sarah Redmond - Director for Waterloo East Theatre and Actress
If we go over target
If we are lucky enough to get over our target we will be using this money to further improve upon the equipment we have already, pay for a better location that we have found that we would need to pay for, and cannot negotiate for free or a reduced price. We would also be putting more money into the props as they are a key element to this piece.
Unable to contribute?
Then do not fret!
Even if you cannot give your monetary support you can help us in many other ways. First of all, give us a follow on twitter at:
And secondly; please feel free to email me with your stories if you feel that this story may be something similar to your experiences. I would love to read and will keep you fully up to date with the release of the film so you can be the first to see it upon its release.
If you have read this far, you are a trooper and have earned my respect! Stay strong.
Our main risk is availability for everyone involved. As the people we require are very talented and have a lot of job offers come in all the time. To tackle this problem the crew have a very wide availability and we are able to change dates of filming at the drop of a hat, with no extra expense spared. If it works out that we cannot have dates that cross over for everyone, then we have back ups who are equally as talented, also available
Bless Your Heart is a photography project by Grant Ellis to go back to the Mississippi Delta and finish a body of work.
"Bless Your Heart" is a photography project. The goal of this project is to return to the Mississippi Delta and complete a photo series that I've been developing for several years.
I am from Cleveland, Mississippi, a town right in the heart of the Delta. At 16 I got a car and a camera, and I would drive around and photograph anything that caught my attention. Now as an adult I still do the same thing, I just might take better pictures.
If I reach my goal I promise I will take an amazing collection of photos. The funds would allow me to spend more time in Mississippi around the summer months. It's rare that I get to go home in the summer, and I believe this will be the best time to shoot there. While most bodies of work based on this area tell a very one-sided story, namely poverty, I'd like to have the chance to tell a more complete story. I want to go to a high school prom. I want to go drag racing with teenagers on a Saturday night. I want to visit churches. I want to spend time on the river with fishermen. I want to go on hunts. I want to visit farms, juke joints, and jails. I want to tell a local's story. I have a good idea of what I would like to shoot to make this complete, it just requires time and funding.
This work is the most important and longest-running project I have ever done. It's based on my home, so I have to make something that will represent the place I'm from. My final goal for this work is to show it in galleries and also have the work published by a professional publishing company. But my goal right now is to shoot, so please donate!
This is a low-risk project because I have been a professional photographer for several years and know how to work quickly and efficiently and adapt to situations. These photographs will not be art-directed or staged, so there is no risk of the kind of failures associated with a film production. I have a backup camera in case my primary one breaks. And the budget will allow me to stay in the area long enough to work around inclement weather. The biggest risk is probably personal injury, in which case I could escrow the funds for after my speedy recovery.
Passionate for natural fibers, a dyer of silk toys translates her best colorways to hand dyed wool yarns ideal for kid & baby knits .
Hello. Thank you for taking the time to consider this project ♥
•• A dye artisan will take 8 popular silk colorways and adapt them to a collection of 8 natural wool yarn colorways developed especially for children's items (and for grownups who love colour!), creating a studio space for dyeing and teaching along the way. ••
What's the Story?
Beneath the Rowan Tree is a family business, based in Northern Ontario (Canada). Since 2007, I have been making natural and Waldorf inspired toys in our home. The core of our business is our line of playsilks (= hand dyed silk squares that children use their brilliant imaginations to turn into anything they can dream up) and silk based toys for kids.
I make natural toys because they are warm and lively in a child's hands, connecting them to the earth. I make heirloom quality toys because childhood matters. Children need good tools for their work, which is play. And my hope, and the driving passion behind Beneath the Rowan Tree, is that every child may grow in a world that is wonder full. As J. M. Barrie said: "All the world is faith and trust and pixie dust".
Our toys can be found in schools, preschools, play and art therapy, children's museums and homes around the world. To date over 35 000 pieces of silk have been dyed in our kitchen. All materials used in our toys are ethically sourced from renewable resources and bio-degradable.
With an established business, you may wonder why I am launching a project on Kickstarter.
I am an ordained minister and I have been serving church congregations for nearly 20 years. After the birth of my daughter in 2005, I began making natural clothing and toys for her, and then, for sale~ I sort of tumbled into business like Alice down the rabbit hole. When I started Beneath the Rowan Tree in 2007, I had no idea that there was an artist lurking within me. It has been a journey of self-discovery and deep joy.
It also has been crazy hard work trying to balance career, business, art, parenting and life in general. In doing so for the last 7 years, I have realized that 'balance' is a myth... we can have it, but not all at once. Balance over time.
It is time to simplify our lives, my life, and pursue my passion for creating with colour and fiber where it meets my commitment to bringing out the creativity in children and surrounding them with beautiful, natural materials and products.
I quit my 20 year career (eek!), we bought a teeny 90 year old schoolhouse in the woods, and as of July, I will be a full time artisan.
Life is too short not to follow your bliss.
In order to make this flying leap into the unknown, we need to expand our offerings at BTRT to include natural fiber yarns. With yarn, I will have a product more suited to both wholesale, to art & craft shows, and to our local market in Northern Ontario. This will create a more reliable and sturdy income while sharing the natural fiber love not only in toys, but in making warm, comfortable, sustainable items for kids and babies.
The Project Vision...
To take the eight most popular hand dyed playsilk colorways (evocative combinations of colours) from Beneath the Rowan Tree's collection, as chosen by our Facebook followers, and turning them into a collection of eight hand dyed and/or hand painted colorways on natural wool yarns.
The end result will be 8 beautiful colorways, developed for yarn (to knit, crochet and felt) in sock/fingering, worsted, superwash worsted and bulky weights.
The yarns will be particularly chosen and suited to creating handmade items for children and babies and marketed towards bringing children in touch with natural fibers.(pictured below are projects made with artisan dyed yarns ~ mine and others)
Wool is warm, keeps moisture away from the skin, breathes, and is lovely, durable and a joy to work with and wear. Unlike processed factory yarns (which itch!) or acrylic (which has a low melt point and is, well, plastic), all the yarns in this collection will be organic, soft and natural (the fingering weight yarn will contain nylon for better durability in socks). They will provide a much needed alternative for knitters in our region (I am in discussion with several local yarn stores) and worldwide, as reached through our Etsy shop.
The Project Task...
Creating a collection of 8 colorways on natural wool yarns.
To take the Top 8 silk colorways on a journey to wool yarn is not as simple as mixing up dyes and applying them to the fiber. To create consistent, appealing and professional quality wool yarns will bring particular considerations:
establish consistent dye formulas for 8 colorways and coordinating trim which maintain the essence of the original colorway on silk.
figure out the nature of various yarns as to how they take dye and the preferable method for dyeing to achieve the desired results
create dyeing patterns which will produce yarn that does not pool, repeat to often or too little
learn the nature of various yarns chosen for the project~ gauge, washing, drape, felting, comfort etc.
As an experienced knitter, felter and crochet-er I have a deep awareness of the many variables that go into a great yarn. And as a dyer and artisan, I have the humility to know I have my work cut out for me with this project!
Yarn requires more space than silk: for laying out, dyeing and drying, different tools and equipment, as well as much more space for storage. In order to accomplish this project, and to continue to dye yarn at a volume suitable for retail and wholesale, the kitchen sink just won't do. Nor will our very small old home, as it is at the moment.
A functional and professional studio space of sufficient size and properly equipped is required to support this project, the ongoing work of BTRT, and the goal of providing a creative space for teaching and leading others to find their inner artist.
The Project Needs...
Our little schoolhouse has a back porch which is perfect for conversion into a studio~ it has beautiful light, ample space and its own entrance.
We are gathering up and recycling furniture, fixings and building materials as much as possible, and we are able to do the labour (including plumbing and electrical) ourselves but there are some material needs and expenses which fall within the scope of the project of making the journey from silk to wool dyeing and production.
They include:
yarn (enough to create colorways and choose bases, and to fulfill rewards)
chemicals (dyes ~ my stash of professional acid dyes is pretty complete but some new ones may be required)
heat sources (2 hot plates, 2 induction pots, studio microwave)
scale, yardage counter, drying racks, utensils
labels and packaging for yarn
a sink with its own grey water discharge (plumbed from the house, protecting the septic/ well)
chemical storage (cabinet above sink)
yarn storage (lidded containers)
construction materials: windows, outer door, insulation, flooring, ceiling and walls, paint, lighting (recycling as possible!)
Our funding goal includes Kickstarter fees, reward costs and shipping from Canada with the above. As per Kickstarter's rules ALL funds (the goal) must be raised in order for ANY funds to be disbursed to the artisan. It may also be helpful to know that being based in Canada means that I pay an average of 25-40% MORE for all of my fiber and chemicals than US based artisans when you factor in the currency, shipping, duty and taxes.
The Project Rewards...
If you made it this far, you deserve a reward!
Your consideration of this project is deeply appreciated. It is heartening and exciting to know that there are people like you~ with a heart for the arts and a willingness to back artisans in their work. The rewards for this project have been carefully chosen to represent the art in which this project is rooted~ hand dyeing~ and to honour your generosity by supporting (and hopefully inspiring!) your own creative spirit ♥
All of the rewards are listed on the right of the screen. All rewards will ship WORLDWIDE. Here are some images and details about the specific items:
Hand Dyed & Hand Painted Yarns: All of our yarns for this project will be professionally dyed with acid dyes which produce safe, wash and lightfast colours. They will be labelled skeins. Willow, Alder, Fir and Rowan level yarns may be wound into center pull balls by request.
<Wondering what you can make with the Hazel Level & Ash Level rewards which include 2 -3 oz. of worsted yarn? Check out these great suggestions on our blog!>
{All yarn photos are samples of my dye work, and not of the project colorways which are still to be developed}
I anticipate using the following yarns. They *are* subject to change for availability or artistic reasons, but they will be natural wool fibers in the bases described, and the sock yarn will maintain a nylon component for better wear.
Fingering Weight/ Sock : 75% Merino, 25% Nylon (approx. 110 yds 1 oz., approx. 36 sts per 4" on US 1-2 or 2.25-2.75mm)
Worsted Weight : 100% Organic Merino (approx. 70 yds/ 1 oz., approx. 20 sts per 4" on US 6-8 or 4-5mm)
Worsted Weight Superwash: 100% superwash Merino (approx. 55 yds/ 1 oz., approx. 24 sts per 4" on US 7-9 or 4.5-5.5mm)
Bulky Weight: 100% Organic Merino (approx. 40 yds/ 1 oz., approx. 15 sts per 4" on US 10-11 or 6-8mm)
Sweet Somethings (Felted Wool & Silk Treasures) : a spring favourite at BTRT,available ONLY through Kickstarter for the course of this campaign. Every year we create a limited number of these little darlings~ felted wool egg (approx. 3"), hand dyed silk ribbons and 11" green playsilk, with a teeny little friend (bunny or chick) inside. You will choose your design: floral, polka dot or rainbow AND your Itty Bitty Critter (bunny or chick). We will choose the colors, but if you have a strong preference (ie no pink) you can let us know! Your Sweet Something will be shipped in time for Easter. (Mulberry Level)
The Wee Dwellings Digital (PDF) Pattern : everything you need to know to knit, felt and embellish a little home for fairies and gnomes.
Make a Friend, Bunny Ball Digital (PDF) Pattern : Learn to wet and needlefelt a bunny just in time for Easter!
Happy Day Bunting Digital (PDF) Pattern: Knit a bunting banner for any and every occasion! Includes letter templates.
Hand Dyed Silk Wrap Bracelet: Hand painted silk bracelet (approx. 40" long) with 'Dream' themed silver tone charms. You choose red or pink rainbow colours.
Kickstarter Exclusive Project Bag: Hand dyed cotton jersey drawstring bag embellished with colour blocks and a rowan leaf design (stamp made from my rowan leaf ankle tattoo!)~ the rowan being a tree of connection and inspiration! Approx. 10 x 12". Each one of a kind and great for toting your latest project wherever you go.
Silk Chiffon Hand Dyed Scarf (11 x 90"): Nearly 8 feet long, these gorgeous, airy, lightweight silk scarves are wonderful for summer wear. With a watercolour finish, your scarf will be one of a kind, made in your choice of 2-3 colours. (Spruce Level)
All DIGITAL PDF Rewards will be emailed to you shortly after the successful close of the funded project. Sweet Somethings and silk rewards will be made and delivered promptly at the end of the funding period. All YARN Rewards and Project Bags will be delivered as one shipment to you with a 'shipped by' date no later than September 30th. Worldwide shipping has been included in all reward levels, as shipping outside of Canada is rarely more expensive than shipping within Canada!
Many thanks for your consideration of this project! If you like it~ will you share it? ... and be sure to take a peek at our video! ♥
Love natural yarns? Check out this project from Rebecca Audette!
Having run a successful shop for 7 years (and worked in the church for 20!) I am accustomed to providing excellent customer service, hallmarked by communication and a commitment to quality products and warm, professional experience for my customers.
With working full time at both ministry and business, simultaneously, I have experience with handling a heavy workload, tight timelines and fulfilling my commitments. I am confident that by working full time towards this project I can provide a fulfilling experience for you as a backer.
You can explore the quality and diversity of my work, the record of my customer service and feedback, and the BTRT blog (lots of tutorials and topical articles) through the links provided above and in my Kickstarter Bio (top right corner of this page).
As a backer you will be kept 'in the loop' with project updates, and communication and questions in return are encouraged! Should delays or challenges arise (because, life happens!) you will be updated.
Particular challenges that are possible might include: * changes in availability of base yarns, but I have backup suppliers and yarns sourced. * construction delays due to the fact that my partner (the handy one in the family) works away from home. I have a backup person on deck, who could be paid to complete construction on schedule and/or assist with challenges that may crop up. * as this project is completely handmade, the production and rewards are literally in my hands ~in the event of family illness or crisis, backers will be notified of delay ASAP
I am a self-taught dye artisan, working in cotton, bamboo, silk and wool. With over 7500 sales on Etsy alone, Beneath the Rowan Tree is the #5 toy shop on Etsy worldwide (#1 in Canada) and ranks in Etsy's top 1000 handmade shops (out of 1 million Etsy shops).
I hope that this 'track record' gives you confidence in supporting this project and excitement in being part of its unfolding!♥