This is my contribution towards a small piece of work.
We plan to create a short film that examines the prevalence of rape culture and the cultural factors that influence its perpetuation.
We are raising funds to cover the cost of equipment to begin shooting a short film about the perpetuation of rape culture in Amman, Jordan, several cities in India, the U.S, and Northern Spain.
Our team is comprised of three people who will go to three separate locations and gather footage: Eric Holland (India), Mason Gersh (Amman, Jordan) and Mina Nayeri (Northern Spain). We are all second-semester freshmen at Northeastern University going on Study Abroad trips this summer.
As a result, our food and housing is already paid for through the study abroad program. We have several interviews set up already to conduct during our stays abroad. However, we do not have the appropriate film equipment to carry out our vision for this project.
We are asking for $900 to help purchase a GlideCam and tripod to create a professional level footage suitable for a short film and eliminate a Cloverfield-esque shakycam. . It will also pay for insurance on the equipment as well as sound equipment to augment our audio quality.
-Project Timeline-
April 15-17: Preliminary interviews with faculty members at Northeastern University
May 4: Filming Begins in Spain, India, and Jordan
June 4: Filming ends in Spain
June 7: Filming ends in India
June 17: Filming ends in Jordan
June 20-25: Interviews with tenured professors at Boston University, Boston College, Harvard University, and Northeastern University
June 26: Post-production begins (editing and any additional footage)
August 1: Halfway done with the short film!
September 1st: 75% done with the short film, and finished with the accompanying photo essay!
October 1st: 100% done with the short film! Assemble the finished product, schedule screenings and mail DVDs to supporters! Hooray!
There are a few risks that our team can encounter while filming. The biggest risk is that something would happen to the cameras. Luckily, we already have our cameras insured, and all of us have backup, lower-quality camcorders that can be used for footage.
Another risk is that our interviewees will not show up. We have hedged our bets by booking more interviews than we can feature in the documentary, a contingency plan that should enhance our final product by giving us choices about the content that we can include in the documentary.
All of our members have some experience with either editing, shooting, or acting, so we have a diverse set of skills that we can use to deal with any creative or technical problems we face after funding.
Overall, we are all deeply invested in the success of this project. We will NOT be making a shaky home video. Even with setbacks, we will make sure the final product is something that would be in the running for film festival awards.
An independent feature film of William Shakespeare’s Macbeth starring Sean Bean, Rupert Grint and Charles Dance.
The Lure of Ambition
Enemy of Man is an ambitious feature length retelling of William Shakespeare's greatest tragedy, Macbeth.
This will be the feature directorial debut of actor Vincent Regan. Vincent is no stranger to Shakespeare. Although known for such films as The Messenger, 300, and Troy, he is a veteran of the Royal Shakespeare and National theaters and has directed and acted in Macbeth on the London stage.
The Enemy of Man will have a unique cinematic quality, stripping back the dialogue and cranking up the action. It traverses a bleak, frozen landscape of shattered castles and pillaged towns, rendering the interior world that clouds Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s addled minds, as they sink deeper into their heart of darkness. A timeless masterpiece of war, ambition, betrayal, murder and ultimately, revenge.
The Cast
We have attached a brilliant cast featuring some of the most talented actors working today.
Macbeth - Sean Bean (Game of Thrones, The Lord of the Rings), BAFTA nominee
Ross - Rupert Grint (Harry Potter, Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman)
Duncan - Charles Dance (Game of Thrones, Aliens 3), Emmy nominee
Lady Macbeth - Announcement coming soon!
Banquo - James D’Arcy (Cloud Atlas, Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World)
MacDuff - Jason Flemyng (X-Men: First Class, Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels)
Kern - Neil Maskell (Kill List, Atonement)
Production Crew
Produced by Steve Harvey, Roopesh Parekh, Jasper Smith, Kaush Bharti Associate Producer Dom Pochee Edited by Jamie Trevill Production Design by Hugues Tissandier Directed by Vincent Regan
What stage is the project at?
We are blessed with a stellar cast attached and have shot a proof of concept trailer and short film called The Instruments of Darkness.
We’re offering the full 8 minute proof of concept short film exclusively to Kickstarter backers for pledges of $10 and over.
Our cast and crew that made this proof of concept a reality, helped bring it to life out of their love and dedication for the project and were not offered any financial incentive. They believed in the idea and the potential of what the project had to offer and we hope you do too.
Proof of concept trailer.
We now need to raise the budget and, just as importantly, prove to the world there is an audience out there for this film.
This is where you come in!
We need your support and backing to make this happen.
A film of this scale requires a lot of money and we are tirelessly working to raise the full budget through a combination of pre-sales, tax credits and, of course, Kickstarter.
In order to raise money through pre-sales and secure our private investors we need to show that there is an audience out there hungry to see this film. If we hit, or better still, exceed our target, we will be able to prove that.
So please, even if you aren't able to pledge, you can still join Enemy of Man and help make this happen by tweeting, liking, banging your war drums and telling everyone about it!
Okay, fair enough, so what is the money actually for?
All money raised from this campaign will go towards taking the film into pre-production. This will allow us to create the concept art, storyboards, scout locations and begin work on the costumes, sets, and a host of other things. Having all those additional elements in place will help us secure the final production budget.
Any money raised over our target on Kickstarter will go straight into the production budget.
The Rewards
As well as creating a brilliant film, we also want to give you, our supporters, something unique that offers value for money and will only be available during the Kickstarter campaign. We have tried to come up with a selection of rewards that achieve this at each different level. Here are a few of those on offer:
The Instruments of Darkness proof of concept short film
We've created a proof of concept short film titled 'The Instruments of Darkness' to show what we can do and we want to share it with you. It will be available exclusively to Kickstarter backers initially before we release it to the rest of the world. This is your chance to see it first!
This special edition poster has been designed exclusively for Kickstarter and limited to the number of backers who pledge for it. It will be signed and numbered by the artist.
There is also an even more limited edition variant.
If you would like your poster signed by the cast please add on $200 to your pledge.
Designed by the legendary Terry English who has designed armour for films such as Gladiator, Aliens, Harry Potter, Clash of the Titans, and Lawrence of Arabia. The armour above was used in The Instruments of Darkness. The photo represents the type of armour you will receive and not the exact pieces.
Concept Art
An exclusive piece of original concept art for the film. These one of a kind pieces will be created to help translate the vision of the film from script to screen. Each piece of concept art will be signed by the artist.
HD Copy of the Film
At this stage we can't guarantee securing all the finance required to go fully into production. So we feel that its extremely important everyone pledging $15 or more receives a digital copy of the film when it is released.
Why Kickstarter?
We've only managed to reach this stage through sheer hard work and determination. The proof of concept trailer and short film were made with our own money, favors and a lot of elbow grease - imagine what we can achieve with your help!
We thought long and hard about opening the project up to Kickstarter and although we have an amazing cast attached, we are an independent production and feel Kickstarter is the right community to help make this film happen.
Being truly independent of course has its advantages; we can put our own vision up on the screen without being tied by a studio. But it does mean we don’t have the support and financial backing a studio would allow.
Be sure to sign up to our newsletter on our official website to keep up to date with all the latest news about the film. Also join in the Enemy of Man discussion on our Facebook page and engage with us on Twitter @EnemyOfManMovie
Every film, no matter how big or small the production is, has its own set of unique challenges and the Enemy of Man is no different in that respect. The production team behind the project have a wealth of film experience and a passion and desire to see this film get made and have taken measures to offset any nasty surprises.
One of our biggest challenges to overcome is going to be raising all the financing required to make this film a reality and this is where you all come in. Though we can not guarantee if we hit our target that the film will definitely be made, we are confident that by completing pre-production with your help, that we will be able to take the project forward and secure additional finance.
Interestingly Swadesh is an American Surname named after Morris Swadesh !!!
The concept is classic.
Learning a language has always been an amusing things to do and what's better than a game to help.
Swadesh Words is a simple and innovative game card that offers an alternate way to love a language and help you take your first steps in learning it.
Swadesh Words is inspired on the work done by Morris Swadesh, an American linguist and anthropologist, who contributed to the development of the modern linguistics studies. Based on the concept of his list, the game offers a series of 100 words on card translated in a specific language. The rule is simple; it's to practice the language of the game by translating the words and helping yourselves with the translation indicated on the back of the card. This exercise can be made to one way or another and as many times as needed. And the final goal is to have fun learning a language in a simple and practical way.
Swadesh Words offers 100 common words that we can find in most languages. These words correspond to terms commonly used today in a language in general. However there is a large difference that will be found between the original list published by Morris Swadesh & the one proposed by Swadesh Words. The words offered in this game allow someone to learn practical words, translatable into one language or another.
A language comes in a pack of 4 collections which are Words, Verbs, Expressions and Symbols.
Words - Yellow ribbon - is the main collection, it contains 100 most used words in most languages. The collection can vary slightly from one language to another.
Verbs - Green ribbon - is a collection of the 100 most commonly used verbs in most languages. The verbs may slightly vary from one language to another.
Symbols - Blue ribbon - it contains symbols proper to a language writing system. It includes alphabet, numbers and punctuation. The number of cards may vary from one language to another.
Expressions - Purple ribbon - is a collection of common expressions that are essential for learning the basic of a language. The number of cards may vary from one language to another.
Swadesh Words is currently available in English version... But why not do it in more languages? hum !!... Well let us focus on this one for the moment!
My goal is to raise $4000, which is the amount need to make the launch of Swadesh Words. With the fund raised we will be making the last step to bring the project alive. The fund will help for production cost, of handling and shipment. And also we've prepared some interesting rewards for each contribution brought to this project, so take a look.
Swadesh Words will be delivered across the country, shipping fee will be included in each pledge. But for shipments to the US, an additional 6$ will be needed and for International, the amount will be 10$. Simply add the amount in addition to your pledge if you live outside Canada.
Estimated delivery
It takes a lot of hours to create each package and ensure the quality of each of them. The first deliveries are scheduled in June for project contributors and July for the public. I will work to meet the deadline and honnor each pledge. And when the project will succeed, when the wind wil be in my sail, I will bring Swadesh Words toward new challenges.
But we know that we cannot limit your contribution. So what if the project funding exceeds the amount pledged?
Well, any amount raised in excess of the stated goal, will unlock the following Stretch Goals that will allow us to provide more variety about the game. And here are the objectives to be achieved if you decide to surprise even more by your generosity:
After campaign
Where to get Swadesh Words cards game when the project will be funded? I will sooner give you all details about it and even more. For the moment you can follow us on ourFacebook page and why not, help to promote the project. ;)
I thank you first of all for taking your time to take a look on this Kickstart project & I hope this little presentation will give you a clear idea of what is Swadesh Words game Card.
It's an easy and funny way to practice a language, it include the essentiel needed to start to learn a new language. The variety of what can be propose, can allow anyone to learn a language of his choice. Swadesh Words is in some point another way to discover other culture using words & game cards.
Challenges ahead !
Challenges are everywhere, challenges are in everything and the first one I had to face was to find the ideal way to present the project. Now that it's done, I'm working toward the next one, launch Swadesh Words thanks to your help.
An interactive, community art installation focused on environmental sustainability. Professionally filmed and photographed.
Eco Art Installations is a Not-For-Profit Social Enterprise that unites communities through the Arts for a shared purpose: environmental sustainability. We create Eco art installations, run eco art workshops and facilitate eco enterprise.
You are invited to collaborate with an Eco art installation being created at the Bamboo Centre in Auroville, India. An Eco art installation is a site-specific, three dimensional, interactive community art work focused on environmental sustainability. This Eco art installation will feature a giant, bamboo geodesic dome, a large colourful kolam, vibrant music and a human mandala of dancing children and other members of the local community. By design an Eco art installation is temporary in nature - it is an act of community creativity and oneness which transcends locality. Each eco art installation is professionally filmed, photographed and made into a 3 minute Youtube video to be shared with the online global community.
Eco art installations function as a symbol of creativity, unity, happiness and prosperity to facilitate environmental education, cultural awareness and enterprise. We would like this particular Eco art installation to facilitate in the manifestation of creating an Kottakarai Children's Arts Centre and an inspirational bamboo dome work space that is suitable for local women to run workshops and produce bamboo arts and crafts for the purpose of Social Enterprise.
Photos relating to the forthcoming eco art installation:
Bamboo is indigenous to Tamil Nadu. It is one of the fastest growing, self-regenerating plants in the World. It's biomass generation is one of the best in the plant kingdom and it is very important in forestry products. Here is a photo of a baby model of the giant, bamboo geodesic dome that will feature in the Eco art installation.
Baby model of the giant, bamboo geodesic dome
Kolams are a Tamil form of art that are created using rice powder. A Kolam is a geometrical line drawing composed of curved loops, drawn around a grid pattern of dots. Kolams are not only a colourful expression of creativity but also have a practical purpose as ants do not have to walk too far for a meal! The rice powder also invites birds and other small creatures to eat it. Kolams are usually created daily outside the front door and are a symbol of unity and tribute to harmonious co-existence.
A circular kolam
Kolam's are usually made by women. Here is a photo of a small kolam being made at the Mohanam Culture Centre
Mandalas symbolically or metaphysically represent the cosmos: a microcosm of the universe. In various traditions mandalas are created to focus the attention of aspirants and adepts for establishing a sacred space. On the day of the Eco art installation members of the community and some children from the Mohanam Culture Centre and Kottakarai village primary school will activate the space with classical and folk Tamil dancing mixed in with with some contemporary free styling!
Girls dancing in a human mandala at the Mohanam Culture Centre, Auroville via Puducherry
The music will be a vibrant mix of classical, folk, pop and World music. Some of the music will be played by local and international musicians, as well as children. The Sound crew are just one of the many talents that will be playing.
Some of the Key collaborators for this Eco art installation:
Char Evans – British Eco Artist. Char had a vision of an Eco art installation and is bringing the whole concept to life. Her work is inspired by imagination, eco creativity, colourful community collaboration and environmental sustainability. She has a background in the Music Industry, Reiki Energy healing and as an international Teacher. She brings her vision:!collaborators/c13dq
Catherine Starostenko – Ukrainian award wining Green Artist. Her work is inspired by nature and focuses on how we can use less and get more. She brings her experience of creating Eco graffiti, moss maps, dancing trees, mud mats and geometric leaf weaving to the Eco art installation.
E. Srini Vassan - Indian Film Director and founder of Yatra Multimedia. He has written, directed and acted in many original short films, documentaries and street theatre productions. He playfully uses film and partners with NGOs to bring social and environmental awareness to the local villages . Yatra Multimedia are directing the Eco art installation video.
Srikanth Kolari - Indian Photo Journalist represented by REDUX Photo Agency, New York. He was selected for the prestigious Visa pour l’image 2012, France 2012 and Angkor Photo Festival 2012, Cambodia. He works in conflict afflicted regions of Asia covering individuals and cultural groups affected by war, poverty and prejudice. Kolari’s work was chosen for Twenty Best Solo Exhibitions of India by The Škoda Prize for Indian Contemporary Art 2011 and he was the winner of The Glenfiddich Artists in Residence Programme 2011. ,
Reda Radi – Moroccan creative coder and Media Artist based in Montréal. He creates interactive multi sensorial experiences that engage people in socialisation processes and philosophical reflexions. He is bringing light, wind and other gifts from nature to the Eco art installation.
Balazs Virag, Budai Balazs and Lili Almassy – Hungarian Construction designers. Collectively they have completed 20 structural designs in Africa, Asia and Europe.They also create installations with projectors, organise festivals, explore photography and play music. Lili is studying ceramics and porcelain design at Moholy Nagy University of Arts.
Cosmo Brahman – German Supermind Artist. Cosmo creates with the guidance of the Mother and brings his understanding of integral, light and peace to the Eco art installation.
Sudha Elumalai, Sumathi Segar, Selvi Ramalingam, Devanyi Sivanesan, Anitha vetri vel, Kavitha Jayashankar – Indian Kolam Artists. When making Kolams the ladies feel a new energy. Sometimes they design the Kolams before making them, but often they are created in the moment. Usually they make Kolams independently but are excited about creating a giant one together. They bring their Kolam talent and skills to the Eco art installation.
Balasundaram Ponnusamy - Indian Director of the Bamboo Centre and Mohanam Cultural Centre. He is a cultural, social and peace activist. Balasundaram brings his experience of empowering the youth, international cultural exchange and his team at the Bamboo Centre and Mohanam Culture Centre to the Eco art,
The international community of Auroville is a project in ‘human unity’, which has received many statements of support from UNESCO. It now encompasses more than 80 rural settlements spread over 20km and about 1800 residents. Two-thirds of these are foreigners representing around 38 different nationalities. Each settlement has its own area of expertise - to name a few; traditional medicinal plants, renewable energy, organic farming, women’s groups and dynamised water technology. At the spiritual and physical centre of Auroville is an incredible structure called the Matrimandir. It looks surreal like a cross between a giant golden golf ball and a NASA space project. Inside it contains a silent chamber lined with white marble and a solid crystal ball (the largest in the world) 70cm in diameter. Rays from the sun beam into this crystal from a tracking mirror in the roof.
Puducherry is the former capital of French India and is the interplay of a bustling, chaotic, Indian market town and leafy boulevards with European, colonial enclaves. Puducherry was known to Greek and Roman geographers as “Poduke” and was an important post on the maritime trade route between Rome and the Far East in the second-century. When the Roman Empire declined, the Cholas and Pallavas took control and were followed by a succession of colonial powers; the Portuguese, French, Danes and British. Puducherry is a city sprinkled with Buddhist and Hindu temples, Mosques and Catholic churches. It is also home to one of the best-known and wealthiest ashrams in India - The Sri Aurobindo Ashram, where travellers go to study yoga and meditation.
COSTS for the Eco art installation:
£70 – To construct the bamboo geodesic dome
£20 - Colourful rice and stone powder to make the Kolam
£250 - Professional film and editing services for the video
£120 - Professional photographer services
£20 - Transport costs for children and equipment
£30 - Electricity for lights and audio systems
£30 - Some light refreshments such as water, chai and fruit
£540 = Total
To keep costs down Char has not included the 5% Kickstarter handling fee + 3% Kickstarter payment processing fee + 1-2% VAT = £54
How many people are you hoping to engage on site in the eco art installation?
It will depend on the day but we estimate about 100 people.
How will you share the eco art installation with the global online community?
The Eco art installation will be activated in March and shared via YouTube in April.
Through donations- To enable transparent funding Char has registered 'Eco Art Installations Ltd.' through Companies House. It is a Not-for-Profit Social Enterprise No. 8776575.If you wish to help fund this project please feel free to pledge through this Kickstarter page.
Any large scale community art project has its risks and challenges. For example, it is unlikely but there could be rain on the day of the Eco art installation resulting in rescheduling and delays in delivery for the Eco art installation photographs and video.