So I've backed this book on poetry ....
Kickatarter link :
By the way I myself self publish books by the brand name : Poets' Choice. : Facebook Page ... I've even published an international poet.
I am self-publishing my first collection of poems!
Kickatarter link :
By the way I myself self publish books by the brand name : Poets' Choice. : Facebook Page ... I've even published an international poet.
I am self-publishing my first collection of poems!
About this project
Over the past few years I have been whisked on many travels, both within and without. As I found myself penning down poetry more often, I took inspiration from the film Before Sunrise and began writing for others - sometimes when I met someone, I asked them for a random word which I then used to create a poem for them. I carried this brown-papered notepad with me everywhere I went - it accumulated words, captured moments and slowly began to fall apart...
I was sharing my poems with individual people and those experiences were intimate, tender and magical, but somewhere along the way I felt that it was time I shared it differently...
So then came this little creation which is just about to be born into this world..! Every time I share a poem with someone I feel like I am giving them a part of myself. So I did have to muster some big courage for this project, and I'm thankful for the support I have had on the way.
The Project
Because this project is born simply out of love, and because I don’t have much money myself, I have to keep it on a very tight budget. I have been doing basically everything (and learning in the process) from conceptualising to editing to designing to the artwork (let’s hope this works out). Of course I have received great help on the way from family and friends, and all these have helped me to cut costs greatly.
This is a fundraiser, but also a pre-order of my collection of poems, titled Coordinates. Each book will be sold at $10 SGD when it is published, but just for Kickstarter it is priced at $8 SGD. I am hoping to get at least 150 pre-orders, which would give me the green light (the funds) to send them for printing.
Of course, you are very welcome to make a further donation if you wish to support my humble project! Please suggest rewards that you would like to receive as I am out of ideas for that...
Do watch the video for a reading of some of my poems!
Risks and challenges
The book is almost ready for printing, and I am quite certain that nothing else will go wrong at this stage! Apart from the funds for printing, I am also waiting for the approval for the ISBN code and working on the cover pages.
I know I have friends all over the world... As such I know a big part of my sales will not be in Singapore. You guys will have to pay a little more if I have to mail the books out to you, but i'll see what I can do about this (I travel quite a bit and also have friends who travel lots) so we can all be happy! :)