My name is Chris Piascik. I’m an independent illustrator living in Massachusetts, USA, and four years ago, I asked for your help publishing a book of my daily drawings. Four years later, I've got another 1000 dailies, and I'd like to ask your help making another book.
"I've been drawing something, anything, every Monday through Friday. December 21st marks my 1000th daily drawing. 1000th is a weird word, so that will be the last time I use it here.
Since around Daily Drawing 217 I started thinking about putting together a book featuring all of my Dailies. At the time, I told myself I needed so many more drawings. At around Daily Drawing 493 I decided 1000 would be the right number. As I approached Daily Drawing 900 I started sweating profusely and wondering what I'd gotten myself into. ALAS, THE DAY IS UPON US! (I say 'us' to make you all feel involved, but really the day is upon me.)"
When I started the daily drawings 8 years ago, I didn't have any type of project in mind. I just wanted to practice drawing, and the discipline of doing work everyday. It quite literally changed my career. It allowed me to leave one career (graphic design) and start another one (illustrator to the stars (strike out to the stars)). It also allowed me to stop working for a boss and set out on my own. Though now I have 3 tiny bosses, Biggie, Bluie, and Duke.
Over the last 1000 days, I've drawn a pear, along with an angry donut, and don't forget pizza (I don't just draw food). Like the first 1000 drawings, the second 1000 covers a wide range of topics, while also functioning as an illustrated memoir of my life. For that reason, I've chosen to come back to Kickstarter to get the help I need to self-publish this book.
This is what I said last time about the project and it rings even more true today:
"I'm not ashamed to say I want your help self-publishing this book because I want full control over the final product. The Daily Drawing project has changed my life in several significant ways and I need to honor that by putting out the product I want to put out. (Don't worry editors, I'm totally willing to let you have the reins on future projects.)"
I'm hoping to raise $7,000, which is the minimum I need to cover the cost of binding and printing the 265 page, full-color book (in a minimum order of 250 copies). Over the next few months, I will be spending an incredible amount of time sorting my daily drawings into categories, laying out the book file, and preparing it for print. I hope to finish this project by February of 2016.
Here's some pictures of the first book:

Here's a sampling of some of my favorites from the most recent 1000 dailies:

And some of the rewards! Sticker Pack!


The very special, Kickstarter only shirt!

Risks and challenges
I don't expect any big obstacles as I've gone through this for my first book and learned a lot along the way. Production does have the possibility to be delayed a bit, but I can't imagine a scenario that would cause any major delays. I will do everything in my power to ship everything on time.
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