Wednesday, March 29, 2017

A Very Oregon Childhood

Project Short Link :

Lush accounts of intimate meals, autism, pastoral youth and discovery, loss, and more come together in this debut collection of poetry.

About this project

"Your Full Real Name" is a collection of poems that explore coming of age in rural Oregon. Lush accounts of intimate meals, pastoral youth and discovery, queerness, loss, and more come together in this collection of poetry that honors nature, family, and the body. The intent of the work is to foster conversation around neurodivergent/neuroatypical wellness, intimacy, color, sensations, physical movements, and vivid dreams.
"Vulnerable", "perceptive", and "frank" are a few of the words audience members used to describe my poetry when speaking after readings. The book will resonate with anyone who has experienced great loss, great joy, or the rapture of becoming consumed with a single item, idea, or person. I selected the poems from a body of work that spans several years. I hope you will consider helping me finish this journey as I print a bound book for distribution online and in stores.
Here are the key themes:
Themes, by Poem
Themes, by Poem

This book is a perfect gift for: 
  • poetry lovers 
  • anyone who loves sharing personal experiences whether through writing, comedy, acting, etc. 
  • supporters of the arts 
  • Oregonians
  • people who love their Kindles but are seeking that "real book" feel
  • the neurodiverse and neurodivergent friends in your life
Rewards for pledges:
  • Recognition on the official blog. 
  • A copy of the book. 
  • A signed copy of the book. 
  • Access to password protected blog posts where you'll learn specific stories behind the work. 
  • Artwork. 
  • Handwritten thank you notes, and of course, a little piece of my heart and a whole lot of thanks!
This book will be self-published, so the money raised will go towards buying the proper ISBN numbers, copyrights, shipping fees, an order of books to distribute to local stores, and promotion.
This Kickstarter campaign will be live for a month. During the month of fundraising, I will order a proof print of the book to ensure everything looks perfect. By the end of the month or once we've reached the goal, I will start the process. I'll submit the book to the publisher and start shipping your books to you! I will have blog posts ready to publish and email you the password so you have access to all the stories you desire. The whole process will be done– books printed and shipped, blog up and running, and thank you's sent- by early May. I will continue to keep working to get "Your Full Real Name" into brick-and-mortar stores and send out a newsletter to keep you up to date on how to find it in stores and online.

Risks and challenges

Kickstarter is based on trust, so I sure appreciate you considering giving me yours. I’ve been working independently and creatively for years now, so I know how to get big art projects done and am certain I will be able to bring "Your Full Real Name" to life. I have been collaborating with local poets and pouring my love, time, effort, and late nights into this already to make sure you’ll get a book that you will love.

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