This is an Actual Feature Film based on a sci-fi concept.
I sure hope to receive a DVD of this film as it certianly is going to do pretty well.
Link :
An action-packed sci-fi adventure, featuring spaceships, flesh-eating mutants, wormholes, laser guns and Hercules himself, Kevin Sorbo.
SURVIVOR is the first true science fiction film from Arrowstorm Entertainment, a world leader in fantasy entertainment. Sure, we've made some zombie movies (Osombie andZombie Hunter), but now we're talking spaceships, laser guns, wormholes, mutant creatures and a true scifi icon, Mr. Kevin Sorbo!
As with all our past Kickstarter efforts, this film has already been shot and edited, and we are well into post-production. Our trailer is actual footage from the film, so you can get a good gauge of the quality, and how close we are to fulfilling our vision.
Just as young Kate Mitra discovers a habitable planet for what's left of humankind, a meteor strike destroys their space craft, crash-landing them on a mysterious barren world. As Kate, Captain Hunter, and the other survivors gather, they are ambushed by a band of post-apocalyptic warriors and mutated savages. Kate awakens bound in a cave, trapped by flesh-eating cave creatures and separated from her friends, and must learn to trust the planet's mysterious humanoids in order to outrun, outsmart and outfight hordes of bloodthirsty aliens and an enormous mutated wolf creature, and rescue her friends and her captain before they are all eaten alive.
Kevin Sorbo (Captain Hunter) - you love him from Andromeda and Hercules. Now he's back fighting mutants, and he's sure not to leave you disappointed.
Danielle Chuchran(Kate Mitra) - a rapidly rising action star, you've seen her decapitate zombies, massacre orcs, and cuddle puppies and ponies. Dani's back in fighting form, battling mutants, sub-humans and monsters.
Rocky Myers (Rogan) - football player, lawyer, model and actor, Rocky is an up-and-coming star amassing an impressive array of credits. Look for him in theaters right now inThe Saratov Approach, and in the upcoming horror film, Safari.
The film is already shot, and we're deep into post-production. But we've still got a bunch more work to do. We need additional funding to create a ton of space VFX shots, including some interiors of the space craft. We're adding a giant mutated wolf for Dani to fight against, and a host of other effects to complete the film.
People pledge an amount and choose a reward. At the end of our 30-day Kickstarter campaign, if the combined total of all pledges for our project meets our $25,000 goal, then the credit cards of those who pledge are charged and we receive the funds to finish our film. If we don't meet our goal, then the money is not withdrawn from your account and no rewards are provided :(. If we exceed our $25,000 goal then the extra funds will be used to make the movie even better - so keep pledging! All funds raised are used directly in the finishing of our film.
We're not looking for charity, we're looking for an alternate sales venue - that's why our rewards reflect fair market value. Don't think of it as a donation, think of it as a pre-purchase. If you want to see this film, buy it now through Kickstarter - you'll probably get a better deal from us than from whatever retailer ends up selling it in your country, and you'll help make our film better!
We're a small group of independent filmmakers who love making movies, and have been at it for about a decade. It's our full-time job, and every film we have made has received worldwide distribution. We do pretty much everything ourselves, from conception to financing to production to securing distribution. We love fantasy and science fiction and know there's others out there like us, who we aim to please. Click on a name to see our IMDB profiles:
Film is a complicated technical exercise, and often unforeseen difficulties arise, causing budget and scheduling overruns - particularly when complex visual effects are involved. That being said, we are an experienced group and have successfully completed and released every film we have started. We have produced several visual effects heavy projects in the past, and see no reason why we shouldn't continue to accomplish our goals.
On the plus side, this film is largely complete. A great deal of the risk in the project has already been mitigated, and we are too far along to turn back and give up. We are seeking funding to complete a visual effects sequence, and have the personnel to pull it off, regardless of complications.
Reward : DVD - an exclusive Kickstarter Supporters Edition DVD signed by director John Lyde, plus hi-res PDF poster and digital soundtrack.
Very small contribution though it is something amazing I'd love to be there when this happens if I can.
Link :
Support Rooftop Films' 18th year of creating the most unique film viewing experiences in NYC and beyond.
It is Rooftop Films mission to create the most unique film viewing experiences in NYC and beyond -- we don't screen in theaters, we screen in communities. We showcase groundbreaking independent films -- not in cold, isolating, movie theaters but in the open air -- and we make each screening a participatory community experience that includes live music, Q&A’s, panels and after parties. In order to continue to make our events bigger and better while also keeping them low cost therefore accessible to all, we need your support at this crucial time.
Make a donation and help Rooftop Films to continue to thrive or — better yet — become a Rooftop Films Member and get free access to over 45 amazing events in spectacular locations next summer and all year-round.
For 17 years Rooftop has been a unique fixture on the New York cultural landscape connecting venues, audiences, filmmakers, musicians, communities and causes, and creating magical unique experiences. More than a film festival, Rooftop brings a vibrant, memorable experience to rooftops and scenic spots all over the city. Some say that our screenings are the best thing about summer in New York. Just ask Rooftop fan Yujin M:
“New York has plenty of fantastic events, but Rooftop Films is by far my favorite. Spend an evening under the stars on a graffitied rooftop of a chartered school on the lower east side with an opening performance by a local band, an awesome selection of independent films, and free beer at the after-party at a bar nearby. The very fact that they're offering all this in NYC for $13 makes you want to donate to the organization.”
Thanks Yujin! In addition to the kind words, Yujin makes a great point: Have you ever been to a Rooftop Films event and wondered, “How can they afford to create such unique and amazing events and still charge so little for admission?”
Well, the truth is we can’t — not without your additional support.
Ticket sales from our screenings account for less than 15% of our overall budget. Even if we sold our tickets for $100 we would still not be able to cover the cost of programming, planning and producing these events in 12 different locations across the city. One of the most vital sources of support is YOU. Without memberships and donations from our biggest fans, Rooftop can’t survive, which is why we are asking for your help this winter.
If you believe that Rooftop Films is important to you, your neighborhood, your city, and the independent film community, please make a donation or become a member today. Check out all the great rewards you can earn by making a donation, and help Rooftop Films in these cold winter months so that you can join us next summer for dozens of amazing events.
More Than Just A Film Festival
As a small non-profit organization, Rooftop accomplishes a great deal with a small, passionate staff. Every penny we earn goes back into the Rooftop community and towards providing a quality experience for our audience and members. We want to help you discover new up-and-coming bands and unforgettable locations, show you films you might never have heard about otherwise, and give you the chance to mingle with your fellow audience members and filmmakers after the films. We believe everyone should have equal access to the arts and it is our mission to keep these shows and these experiences accessible to all. That is why each year we add more free shows and keep our admission prices as low as possible for our ticketed events.
And Rooftop Films does more than simply exhibit films. By supporting Rooftop you also help independent filmmakers finish their new films. One dollar from every ticket we sell goes into the Rooftop Filmmakers Fund, and we raise tens of thousands of additional dollars in cash and services to help our alumni filmmakers to produce their latest films. Over the years, Rooftop has helped more than 100 filmmakers complete their films, including Benh Zeitlin (Beasts of the Southern Wild), David Lowery (Ain’t Them Bodies Saints), Lucy Walker (The Tsunami and the Cherry Blossom), Shaka King (Newlyweeds), Sean Durkin (Martha Marcy May Marlene) and Gillian Robespierre (Obvious Child, coming very soon!).
Support Rooftop Films this winter and you help to guarantee that we will be able to continue bringing daring new films to big screens all around New York City.
The more you give, the more you get. Rewards!
Rooftop Films is all about getting big things done with the resources available at hand, so we know the value of a dollar. For that reason, we wouldn’t ask you for help without offering a lot in return. To thank you for your support of Rooftop we are offering many great rewards, including DVDs and blu-ray discs from Magnolia, Oscilloscope, IFC Films and more, as well as tickets to Rooftop shows, and the best reward of all: Rooftop Membership.
And membership offers great benefits! Sign up today and you get free access to every regularly priced Rooftop Films event in 2014. If you bought all those tickets individually that would cost more than $500.00 per member. But make a donation today and you get access to more than 45 outdoor events for just $75.
Membership also makes for a great holiday gift!
Rooftop Films Members receive:
First Look at the Events that New York Will be Talking About
Rooftop shows are the unique events that are defining New York film culture. We are never content to simply show movies outdoors — we turn our screenings into unforgettably unique evenings. Last summer we didn’t just screen a documentary about a brass band -- we hosted a whole brass band festival (Brasslands). It was not enough for us to simply show a moving portrait of modern strongman (Bending Steel) -- we presented that film on the beach at Coney Island preceded by an exhilarating live exhibition featuring horseshoe bending and crowbar twisting.
Access to the Best Independent Films and Filmmakers in the World
In 2013 Rooftop Members got to hang out with the filmmakers and actors at the premieres and sneak previews of such films as Noah Baumbach’s Frances Ha (starring Greta Gerwig), Sebastian Silva’s Crystal Fairy (starring Michael Cera and Gaby Hoffman), and David Lowery’s Ain’t Them Bodies Saints (starring Casey Affleck and Rooney Mara).
First Access to Surprising Sites All Over the City
Rooftop shows consistently sell out but Rooftop members get in free and have priority entry. Plus you’ll receive VIP tickets to panels, and after parties too. You and your friends also receive invitations to off season screenings and exclusive programs curated for members only, and all of this will take place in unconventional spaces and special locations that you might never have discovered without Rooftop Films.
If you love Rooftop Films, and want to be part of the Rooftop community, take advantage of these offers. Together we will keep building something bigger, keep our program fresh and accessible year after year and in 2014, we’ll be able to go further and do more, BUT we can only do it with your help.
As a non-profit organization we will always face the challenge of relying on the support from our backers to sustain Rooftop Films. This Kickstarter project is not a means to an end. It is a stepping stone for us to grow and expand. And with that growth comes greater responsibility, challenges, and needs. We are a hard-working team of six year round and we work tirelessly to provide a unique experience for all who come to our shows. There is still work to be done and we are glad that you are on this journey with us.
A Friend from Whistling Woods approached me to back this project and I was very happy to oblige with a generous contribution to make this wonderful movie live and real.
I wish her all the very best with the movie.
Link :
Paul Collins-Reddin and Joanna Handley bring to you a stunning short adaptation of the beautiful Scottish Folklore "The Selkie Bride"
The greatest achievement man can make is to learn to love; but even love is not powerful enough to change who you truly are.
Our short film is a new telling of the timeless Scottish tale about the Selkie Bride; a story about a man living in solitude until he falls in love with a beautiful woman. However, this love is conditional as she is one of the mythical Selkie people. Through his kindness and caring she learns to love him and give up her home and family in the sea to have a life with him.
But no matter how strong their love is, she does not belong on land and must choose between her love for this man, or her true home in the deep waters.
Selkie poster by Matt Dixon
In order to make this film the best it can be we of course need a budget to work with.
Which is where you and your generosity comes in; you will contribute towards things like:
Equipment hire; we plan to hire out some fantastic lenses in order to get the best images from our locations and actors.
Actors; to get the best performance we need to keep our cast happy!
Locations; we have some incredible locations to work with but of course nothing worth using is free.
Props and Costume; we have an incredible art department developing some incredible costumes to work with but materials have a price on them
Catering and Travel; Remember we said we need to keep our actors happy? They're happiest when they're not hungry!
Festival submissions; On completion of post-production we would love to look into festival submissions to distribute 'Selkie' to. However that can only happen if we have made a good enough film which unfortunately isn't free to do!
Wide still of Brancaster Beach where we hope to film the exterior scenes; Taken by Production Designer Nicholas Tag-Harvey
The money you donate will only be put towards creating the best visual telling of this story possible; the more you donate, the better we can make our film.
We want to create a stunning film based off of this beautiful folktale and this is the sole purpose of your donations so please help us. We are also more than happy for you to follow the films progress through our Facebook and Twitter pages; where backers will receive personal thank you's throughout funding.
Wonderful model, Elena Mitchell, posing as our Selkie on Brancaster Beach, Norfolk
Meet The Crew
Producer: Joanna Handley. Joanna is crazy for having a passion for paperwork! With years of acting experience and in recent years switching to behind the camera Joanna has seen both sides to filmmaking. She has experience as a runner and continuity with the Rural Media Company and recently taken on the bigger role of Producer having produced other successful projects and passionate about doing this one justice!
Director: Paul Collins-Reddin. Paul has a strong acting background, working on a number of famous Film and Television sets from the age of 12. Through this experience he developed a love for film making and has since gained experience as a runner/researcher at Tiger Aspects, and worked freelance for a number of different companies as a Director, Camera Operator and Editor. Being the originator for this project, Paul has a strong passion for it, and is confident our vision can be achieved.
One of our challenges will be controlling the weather; unfortunately not all the money in the world could help us do that. However as we plan to film on the beach, in Norfolk (UK), in February, after one of our reportedly worst winters we may have a long couple of days filming! Now whether raining, sunshine or snow we can easily make our shots on the beach beautiful, and work to our advantage. Though we may need a few extra outdoor heaters for our actors!
We will be filming our interiors nearby so should the worst happen and our exterior filming days need to be rescheduled we always have a Plan B, C and so on to work with!
Reward : Incredible! Including the above, you will receive copies of the concept art used for the films production including paintings and storyboards!
My Friend John is a story of childhood creativity and imagination and how it should be protected from the corruption of adulthood.
The Story
My Friend John is the story of Gio, an introverted eight year old boy who doesn't have many friends, but is obsessed with space and is usually off in his own imaginary world. On his sixth birthday, Gio receives a Toy Astronaut.He names the toy astronaut, John, and from that moment on, the two become best friends. Gio and John are an inseparable pair, and for a time, things seem completely serene. Gio's father, Eulow, the epidime of the old fashioned ways of family hierarchy, aggressive in his own rule, does not agree with Gio's friendship with an inanimate object, nor his friendless life, or childish imagination. More and more, Eulow takes this frustration out on Gio, chasing Gio farther and farther away from reality. Soon, Gio will find out just how strong his mind can be, and how real John really is…
The Film.
Inspired by great fantasy films like Pan's Labyrinth, E.T. The Extraterrestrial, and Spirited Away, My Friend John is a short film that delves deep into the world of a child's imagination, exploring the idea of how strong imagination and creativity can really be.
Hayao Miyazaki's "Spirited Away" one of the main influences on the film.
Pans Labyrinth by Guillermo del toro
E.T. The Extraterrestrial by Steven Spielberg
Not only is this film inspired by films like the ones listed above, it is also, and probably mostly, inspired by the comic strip Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson.
Bill Watterson's Calvin and Hobbes.
In our society, growing up, getting older, and becoming an adult, can sometimes mean losing our imaginations.
The Importance of Family, Love, Imagination, and Creativity, as well as those mentioned above, are the themes we plan to explore in My Friend John. But we also want to get across the message that-
A child's imagination and creativity is something that should be preserved and nurtured.
What are we going to do?
My Friend John will be made directly from a child's perspective, meaning our main character Gio. We see everything from his point of view, and everything that goes on in his life, will be projected onto you, the audience.
The film will have its own sense of fantasy to it. Colors that are extraordinary to every day life, Dialogue unique to fairy-tale language, Locations that are out of this world, and above all, A REAL ASTRONAUT SUIT IN THE FILM, which will be donated by The Cradle of Aviation Museum!
Isn't that awesome?
Not only that, but we want to express the themes as clearly (and metaphorically) as possible, and also, try to bring that feeling we have all had when we were children. That feeling of wonder. The wanting and longing to explore the unknown.
Student Filmmakers!?
We are all a collective of young film students from Long Island University, CW Post.
Here are some awkwardly beautiful photo's of the main crew of the film!
The Director!
Henry Arroyo is the Writer/Director of My Friend John. He has directed and written several short films, all of which have given him the knowledge, practice, and determination needed to see this film through to the end, with the best result. He has had poetry published in "Four And Twenty Magazine", and is a past member of the Tribeca Film Fellows Program. He has worked on many past projects with close friend, Cinematographer, Andrew Barell, Producer Jessica Reyes, and Script Supervisor Pete Barell.
Below is the latest film from Henry Arroyo, shot by Andrew Barell.
The Cinematographer
Andrew Barell is the Director of Photography for My Friend John. The older of the Barell brothers, he is a student and lover of the arts. Originally planning to study graphic design and illustration in College, he decided last minute to give film a shot. At a young age his father Steven exposed him to film makers like Alfred Hitchcock. Because of his visual background, Andrew was drawn immediately to cinematography at school. He has worked on dozens of short and thesis films and continues to explore the technical side of film making. Close friend and collaborator Henry Arroyo has worked with Andrew on several films before and is working even harder now to create a beautiful and memorable short film, "My Friend John".
Bellow is Andrew Barell's Cinematography Reel.
The Producers!
Ava Gramin ( Left) is a Swedish filmmaker with a great passion for space and science. With a background in engineering and a passion for writing, she hopes to bring a unique edge to each film set she is on. Her organization skills obtained through past research work will come to great use as a co - producer of this film.
Jessica Reyes (Right) is the producer for the film, My Friend John. Her organization and leadership skills, as well as her enthusiasm, has made her qualified and an essential part of planning this production. She has worked on several short films doing editing, camera work, and casting. She recently did extras casting for an independent feature film called Pebble of Love which wrapped up it's principal photography last August. She is dedicated and excited to push this production forward along with her hardworking and talented team.
The Editor!
Samuel Gordon has been a filmmaker since he was a wee lad, and has worked on many films in Europe and in the US. He is the editor for this project and will be using the skills he has accumulated editing over the years to make “My Friend John” the best short film of 2014.
The Art Director!
Mabel came to the US in pursuit of the American Dream. She started studying film two years ago, and since the has developed significantly as a filmmaker. She is extremely excited to work on “My Friend John” as the Art Director. This is a momentous production to her, particularly because she will have the chance to express her own fascination with astronomy. Plus, she feels inspired to work with a child's POV. Furthermore, she is thankful for the opportunity of cooperating with such a talented crew. For now, It is one small step, but hopefully, it will be a giant leap into her future as a filmmaker.
Script Supervisor!
Pete Barell is the Script Supervisor and assistant production designer for My Friend John. The younger Barell has worked on over a dozen short and thesis films making sure continuity is consistent. But his skills do not end at script supervising. Pete has sold his photography and published his poetry in "TeenInk Magazine" (circulation of 500,000) as well as to other anthologies and galleries. He is the current Arts and Entertainment section editor of the award winning LIU Post Pioneer. At LIU, he is a sophomore building towards his B.F.A. in Film.
Considering the we are still in school, our desire to further our mastery of the craft is as intense as it can possibly be. We really want this, and as students, paying tuition, loans, etc, We don't have the money we need to make this project exactly what we want it to be. If this could be done with no money at all, we would do it. We have considered every possibility, and Kickstarter is the best outcome.
We worked hard to build the set that you see in our video!
The beauty of student films is that our stories are different from most films, and are made from the heart. Our goal is to make a film that shows how absorbing and beautiful, films made by students of the craft can be, and make something special that resonates with people in a positive way while at the same time keeping it as professional as humanly possible.
Why do we need the money??
Every film needs a certain amount of money to get somewhere. Unfortunately, our film is no different.
With the money that we make from this Kickstarter, we will be able to,
1. Rent professional camera equipment that we want, to get that specific look on screen that we need to tell that story the way it is imagined. Not only this, but there is a certain standard that must be met with film quality that changes it from a cheap student film, to a professional project.
We have a 5D Mark II, But if we reach our goal, we'll get something even better! For example, a "Red Camera". The same camera used to film, "The Hobbit".
2. Worry less about transportation for actors, and food supplied to all cast and crew members, and more about getting the best work out of everyone on set. We'll be able to have enough money to set aside for meals and gas money. This takes a lot more stress off of budgeting problems.
3. More money that will go to the art department of the set, adding to the physical look of the film. For example, money will go towards set decoration, as well as money going towards paying for the daily rental fee's of the actual astronaut suit that we will have on set.
4. Locations. We need money to pay for a daily rate going towards locations. Depending on what space we find, it could cost an arm and a leg to pay it off when we need it, or a minimal cost which would lessen its impact on the budget. Either way, we don't have the money ourselves to pay for it.
The money from the Kickstarter isn't just extra funds for us. It's actually a huge part of this film, as without it, all the things mentioned above will not be affordable. We'll have to cut things out. Once things begin to get cut out, the true look of the film begins to diminish, as well as the professionalism. That's something we are trying hard to avoid, and the only way we can truly avoid that is with your help!
All the money goes to the film. Nowhere else.
When will the film be done!?
We're planning on shooting the film late January, early February of 2014!
After shooting, we will then start post production, and go from February through April, hopefully getting the film out late April, early March!
The latest would be early May for the release of the official film!
The Goal
We have set the goal to the lowest possible amount needed to get what we need out of the film. But that doesn't mean we can't do more.
The more that is raised, the more we can put into the different departments on set, as well as handling festival submissions, and adding more to the rewards that you guys receive from this project.
$2,000 - The film is made exactly how we wanted it! One small step for man, One giant leap for Gio…
$3,000- We will be able to produce more art for the film. Meaning that we can delve not only ourselves, but you, the backers and audience, into an even greater fantasy world. We will also be able to rent better camera equipment, lenses and all.
$4,000 - With this amount of money, we will be able to pay for the daily rental of a better house. We will be able to pay for most (if not all) festival submission fees. We will be able to add more rewards, giving you guys more, as an appreciation of your desire to see this film get made even better than we had imagined. We will be able to put more into the DVD extras, and even get more drawn art for you all.
$5,000 - we have absolutely NO BUDGETARY PROBLEMS LEFT. We will be able to concentrate fully on the film. Story, look, tone and all. We will be able to pay for the daily rate of a beautiful house for the story, we will be able to get the best camera set we can, lenses and all, all of the art department problems will be solved, set decoration, paying for the daily rental of the astronaut suit and if we need more, we can get it. We will be able to rent out better lighting equipment for on set purposes, post production will be heavily funded, giving us the tools we need to make the film look even better after shooting has been completed, festival submissions will be handled, we can make more rewards, giving you guys, the backers, more. Added dvd extras, more art rewards, and our eternal gratitude for all the help you've given us.
Thank You
This story is very close and dear to us as filmmakers (even if we are still students), and as people. With the help of you guys, the backers, we will be able to give this story to all of you, in the greatest way possible, because that's really what this is all about. It's about sharing something special with others, and hoping that you've at least made somebody feel something.
You know, we could write here that we don't get any money if the kickstarter does not reach it's goal. And though that is a risk, it is not the biggest risk we find ourselves face to face with.
The biggest risk we have, is failing to make this story everything that it can be. If we don't reach the kickstarter goal, we will not be able to do everything that we imagined for the film. In that respect we really are like Gio. If we aren't able to do what we imagined for the film, we will not be able to completely express what this story is truly about. As artist, we think that is the biggest risk we can have with any project.
As we get closer to shipping out the rewards for our backers, we will update you on how everything is coming along. That includes, how the crew is doing, how the film is coming along, and everything else about the film.
Reward : Captain of the Ship! - Wow! You're a real leader! Space is nothing to you! For your expertise you get a thank you credit in the film, the password to the early digital screening of the film, a digital copy of the script, an invitation to the first screening of the film at our school, Long Island University, CW Post, AND a hardcopy of the actual film, along with DVD extra special features!