This is an Actual Feature Film based on a sci-fi concept.
I sure hope to receive a DVD of this film as it certianly is going to do pretty well.
Link :
An action-packed sci-fi adventure, featuring spaceships, flesh-eating mutants, wormholes, laser guns and Hercules himself, Kevin Sorbo.

SURVIVOR is the first true science fiction film from Arrowstorm Entertainment, a world leader in fantasy entertainment. Sure, we've made some zombie movies (Osombie andZombie Hunter), but now we're talking spaceships, laser guns, wormholes, mutant creatures and a true scifi icon, Mr. Kevin Sorbo!
As with all our past Kickstarter efforts, this film has already been shot and edited, and we are well into post-production. Our trailer is actual footage from the film, so you can get a good gauge of the quality, and how close we are to fulfilling our vision.

Just as young Kate Mitra discovers a habitable planet for what's left of humankind, a meteor strike destroys their space craft, crash-landing them on a mysterious barren world. As Kate, Captain Hunter, and the other survivors gather, they are ambushed by a band of post-apocalyptic warriors and mutated savages. Kate awakens bound in a cave, trapped by flesh-eating cave creatures and separated from her friends, and must learn to trust the planet's mysterious humanoids in order to outrun, outsmart and outfight hordes of bloodthirsty aliens and an enormous mutated wolf creature, and rescue her friends and her captain before they are all eaten alive.

Kevin Sorbo (Captain Hunter) - you love him from Andromeda and Hercules. Now he's back fighting mutants, and he's sure not to leave you disappointed.

Danielle Chuchran (Kate Mitra) - a rapidly rising action star, you've seen her decapitate zombies, massacre orcs, and cuddle puppies and ponies. Dani's back in fighting form, battling mutants, sub-humans and monsters.

Rocky Myers (Rogan) - football player, lawyer, model and actor, Rocky is an up-and-coming star amassing an impressive array of credits. Look for him in theaters right now inThe Saratov Approach, and in the upcoming horror film, Safari.

The film is already shot, and we're deep into post-production. But we've still got a bunch more work to do. We need additional funding to create a ton of space VFX shots, including some interiors of the space craft. We're adding a giant mutated wolf for Dani to fight against, and a host of other effects to complete the film.

People pledge an amount and choose a reward. At the end of our 30-day Kickstarter campaign, if the combined total of all pledges for our project meets our $25,000 goal, then the credit cards of those who pledge are charged and we receive the funds to finish our film. If we don't meet our goal, then the money is not withdrawn from your account and no rewards are provided :(. If we exceed our $25,000 goal then the extra funds will be used to make the movie even better - so keep pledging! All funds raised are used directly in the finishing of our film.

We're not looking for charity, we're looking for an alternate sales venue - that's why our rewards reflect fair market value. Don't think of it as a donation, think of it as a pre-purchase. If you want to see this film, buy it now through Kickstarter - you'll probably get a better deal from us than from whatever retailer ends up selling it in your country, and you'll help make our film better!

We're a small group of independent filmmakers who love making movies, and have been at it for about a decade. It's our full-time job, and every film we have made has received worldwide distribution. We do pretty much everything ourselves, from conception to financing to production to securing distribution. We love fantasy and science fiction and know there's others out there like us, who we aim to please. Click on a name to see our IMDB profiles:
John Lyde - Director/Writer/Producer
Jason Faller - Producer
Kynan Griffin - Producer
You can learn more about our film-making philosophy and our projects at our website.

- Share this Kickstarter campaign with all your friends and neighbors, real and imaginary.
- Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more videos and updates.
In advance, we thank you all for your support.
Risks and challengesLearn about accountability on Kickstarter
Film is a complicated technical exercise, and often unforeseen difficulties arise, causing budget and scheduling overruns - particularly when complex visual effects are involved. That being said, we are an experienced group and have successfully completed and released every film we have started. We have produced several visual effects heavy projects in the past, and see no reason why we shouldn't continue to accomplish our goals.
On the plus side, this film is largely complete. A great deal of the risk in the project has already been mitigated, and we are too far along to turn back and give up. We are seeking funding to complete a visual effects sequence, and have the personnel to pull it off, regardless of complications.
Reward : DVD - an exclusive Kickstarter Supporters Edition DVD signed by director John Lyde, plus hi-res PDF poster and digital soundtrack.
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