Saturday, May 6, 2017

Education For Sale - 30 Poems for Public Education

Oklahoma teacher Jenny Lynn Flower has written 30 new short poems to highlight the public education funding crisis in her home state. Oklahoma is currently facing the largest reduction in funding for public education in the United States, with no end in sight.
Jenny originally posted all 30 poems on Twitter as @jennylynnflower to mark April being National Poetry Month. Her tweet-length poems all tagged #NPRpoetry #oklaed and #OKLEg. The very first poem was then featured on NPR's All Things Considered on 4/8/17. Jenny's national on-air reading attracted the attention of local Oklahoma media as well.  Both the Tulsa World and ran short pieces about Jenny and her poetry for public education.
Now Jenny needs your help to publish her first poetry book.  It will feature all 30 of her public education poems in an attractive 6"x 9" perfect-bound paperback chapbook.  
This chapbook will be a great way for you to start the conversation with your friends, family and other folks in our community about why we all benefit from high quality public education.

Risks and challenges

All of Jenny's poems have been written and posted! Now, the biggest challenge that remains is funding the project with your pre-orders.
We have chosen a graphic artist who has lots of experience with book publishing to prepare the book for printing, so we do not anticipate any major delays on that end. We also plan to use a reputable printer that will be able to deliver on time.
Thank you so much for your pre-order of Education For Sale! Be sure to share this campaign with your friends!

Find My Book on Kindle :

The Rhymes of Sorcery